Accounting Research Institute - Higher Institutions' Centre of Excellence (HICoE)
Friday, May 8, 2009
Till Our Next Meeting in June
During our May meeting today, several proposals were presented by ARI members. First, Prof Dr Rashidah is to hold two workshops- one for our new staff to get national level research grants and the other with the Head of Research Centres and SIGs to apply for international grants. Second is for research centres and SIGs to propose names of visiting foregn renowned researchers to be stationed at ARI. Members are to submit to me names within the next one week so as to allow ARI to apply for additional budget from the Bourse office. Third is for Research Fellows and Associates to publish papers in professional journals. Fourth is for AFARe's Conference Secretariate to submit working papers to apply for students' grants from HEA & HEP for undergraduate students' participation in the forthcoming forensic conference.