Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PhD Research in Management Accounting

Ten PhD students presented selected portion of their research projects today in a one day PhD Colloquium held at the Universiti Teknologi MARA Shah Alam campus. For the colloquium, three discussants have been assigned to critically review the students' written works.
In a way, the students were able to get a fair comment from the reviewers as the papers have been submitted to them much earlier. Three of my own students: Eley Suzana (Title: Supply Chain Management from the Perspective of Management Accounting), Ibrahim Morshidi (Export Driven SME Business Performance and Their Contingent Fit with Owner's Leadership Characteristics) and Hussein (Target Costing Implementation Decisions and Organizational Capabilities). The PhD colloquium is a great platform for students to discuss their phd projects. They can discuss findings from literature review, research framework, theoretical underpinnings, industry analysis, research design, data analysis or research findings. For each of these sections, they can write journal papers which can ultimately add values to their own final theses....